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    Betrayal Trauma

    How could this happen? Will I ever recover from this? What do I do now?

    Endless thoughts, questions, and emotions bombard us when we discover our partner’s infidelity. Whether from pornography use, withholding love and affection, physical affairs, or acting out sexual fantasies or addictions, the pain of betrayal, broken trust, and shattered dreams is devastating. What you do with that pain is now up to you. Your story isn’t over. You are worth the hard work of recovery.

    Embracing recovery is like climbing a mountain. It takes effort, focus, commitment and determination. There are moments that take your breath away, and moments when you don’t know if you can keep going. But when you reach the summit, you realize it was worth every moment! YOU are worth every moment! Your family and your future are worth every moment!

    If you have experienced betrayal trauma, I am here to provide a safe place to process your pain and help you navigate next steps. While each step you take may, at times, feel challenging, uncertain and scary, you will have someone right there with you listening and encouraging you along the way. You will gain hope as you receive support, tools, insight, and clarity to make healthy choices in your healing process. Are you ready to get started?